Journal article

Women Assimilate across Gender, Men Don’t : The Role of Gender to the Own-Anchor Effect in Age, Height and Weight Estimates


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Publication Details

Undertitel: The Role of Gender to the Own-Anchor Effect in Age, Height and Weight Estimates

Författarlista: Langeborg, Linda

Publikationsår: 2011

Startsida: 1733

End page: 1748

Antal sidor: 16

ISSN: 0021-9029



his paper reports 2 studies of the own-anchor effect (i.e., assimilation in age, height, and weight estimates) in same- and cross-gender age, height, and weight estimates. The own-anchor effect is believed to be stronger for same-gender estimates, but the investigation reported here is the first to test this hypothesis with participants and target persons of both genders. Several own-anchor effects were found in females same- and cross-gender estimates, whereas males only showed own-anchor effects in same-gender estimates. These results lean toward the possibility that women assimilate across gender, whereas men do not. Explanations of these results with reference to Kruegers (Krueger & Zeiger, 1993; Robbins & Krueger, 2005) theory of social projection and the consequences for witness reliability are discussed.


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Senast uppdaterat 2020-27-12 vid 05:03