Conference proceedings article

Area-Power Trade-Off in FSM Partitioning


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Publication Details

Författarlista: Cao, Cao;Oelmann, Bengt

Publikationsår: 2006

Startsida: 349

End page: 352

Antal sidor: 4

ISBN: 8392117263;978-839211726-1


Finite State Machine (FSM) partitioning together with a Dynamic Power Management (DPM) scheme is an efficient method for low-power FSM design. Taking both power and area into account at an early stage of FSM partitioning is important for choosing an efficient partitioning in terms of both power and area. There are certain FSMs that a partitioning solution with the lowest power has a big area overhead. For them, exploring the area-power trade-off is especially helpful for finding an alternative partitioning with slightly higher power consumption but much lower area. In this paper, we explore the area-power trade-off in FSM partitioning and propose the area cost functions that are verified by correlation coefficient. A relative comparison of the estimated area cost among the partitioning solutions gives the user more freedom to trade power for area. Since the gate-level implementation is unknown, the area constraint should be given in relative terms, not as the specific percentage of area increase allowed


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Senast uppdaterat 2017-06-10 vid 10:05