Conference paper

Boundary Work to Conduct Business as Usual : Interaction at the Boundary Between the Affected Organization and Emergency Responders


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Författarlista: Oscarsson, Olof

Publikationsår: 2019


The goal of this study was to examine the interaction when a workplace suffers an emergency andthe emergency responders temporarily deploy their workplace inside the affected workplace toaddress the emergency. The research is based on semi-structured interviews with personnel from fireand rescue services and personnel from schools and elderly care centers. The results are structuredaround four boundary work practices that govern the interaction: emergency containment, divisionof responsibility, division of labor and crossing the boundary. These boundary work practicesprovide structure and enable both parties to concentrate on their own work. It also enables supportover the workplace boundaries. Thus, the interaction may be described as a cooperation mutuallyaccomplished by both parties.


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Senast uppdaterat 2022-11-02 vid 05:04