Journal article

Vulvar pain : associations between first-time vaginal intercourse, tampon insertion and later experiences of pain


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Undertitel: associations between first-time vaginal intercourse, tampon insertion and later experiences of pain

Författarlista: Thomtén, Johanna

Publikationsår: 2016

Startsida: 707

End page: 720

Antal sidor: 14

ISSN: 0092-623X


Visa ytterligare informaiton: View in Web of Science


This study examines associations between the first experience ofvaginal intercourse/tampon insertion and later experiences of vul-var pain. The study is based on questionnaire data from 1,259Swedish female senior high-school students, aged 18 to 22 yearsold. Of these, 592 women reported present vulvar pain. Presentvulvar pain was associated with first-time experiences of vaginalintercourse (pain, negative experience, against will) and with painat tampon insertion. First-time experiences were also related totemporal aspects of present vulvar pain during vaginal intercourse(at the beginning, after a while during, and after). Implications offirst-time experiences of vaginal intercourse for future symptomsof vulvar pain are discussed.


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Senast uppdaterat 2017-05-10 vid 16:34