Journal article

Effects of river fragmentation on plant dispersal and riparian flora


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Författarlista: Nilsson, Christer

Publikationsår: 2000

Startsida: 83

End page: 89

Antal sidor: 7

ISSN: 1535-1459

Visa ytterligare informaiton: View in Web of Science


We evaluated the effects of river fragmentation by dams on hydrochory (i.e. plant dispersal by water) and on plant distribution by comparing two adjacent rivers in northern Sweden, one free-flowing and the other regulated. We collected stranded drift material from both rivers in order to quantify the drift material and its species content. We also estimated the floristic continuity along the two rivers by comparing the drift flora with the riparian flora further upstream. The drift amount deposited on the riverbank, its species richness and its contribution to the species pool were higher in the free-flowing than in the regulated river. The floristic continuity was also higher in the free-flowing than in the regulated river.


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Senast uppdaterat 2017-06-10 vid 03:14